Saturday, April 30, 2011


I crave for these types of wheels/rims.
I have not find out the name yet.
My target rims would be these.

My wonder Wheels.

I jizzed in ma pants.

i want no other rims, nothing but chu~

Grill and Bonnet

Thanks to my bonnet, I will be working this month for free.
As it cost one month of my salary.
I have bought the grill in 2010, until recently I have only bought the right bonnet.
Thanks to a friend, I found what i am looking for.
First the TE37 grill.

I do not remember exactly when I bought this item because..
of the condition was a bit frustrating for the price to be honest.
But I haven't abandoned all hopes though.
I can fix this!

And then the bonnet.
Bought it on the 18th April 2011.
Custom and Taxation approved a day after.
(excuse my blurry picture)

For this particular item, I am quite satisfied.
It came with brand new chrome trims.

which looks like this.

My second room is now my garage.
I am loving it, it's beautiful that I refused to put it anywhere
not within my sight.
 It's worth the price and effort.
(i'm gonna starve to death this month)

KE35 front view.

So i decided to sell the old grill and bonnet.

Cause I am on my way to TE37.

I did not install both grill and bonnet properly yet.
That's why it looked old a bit.
Requires a lot more spending.
But I just can't wait for this baby to roll.
In the mean time.. I'll keep on smiling with empty thoughts.