Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tail Lights! 23-12-2010

I can finally have my hands on these rare item.
Condition are not as perfectly brand new.
As these rare item are about to extinct in this place I live in, it's really hard to find a descent one.
Overall, I'm quite satisfied with this one.

you can see the cracks on the yellow light/bracket.
nevertheless, i just can't wait to install it.
but I'll wait until the perfect day (sufficient everything, esp money).

this, I do not know how to rotate as the picture is horizontal before I uploaded it and
in my picture folder. wth blogpot!
but basically, this is what I get.

The are some cracks on the clear section as well.
Although there are cracks and what not, it does seem to be quite strong.

scratches on red.

there were cracks on this plastic divider,
then slowly after I wash everything out with water it erodes
and there it is, broken pieces.

the place where you put the divider but the cracks can be easily seen.

I just love the design, these tail lights are pretty enough for me.

Left frame.
The problem about the frame is that the screw at the back of this tail light doesn't match
the original position of my car. But it can be fixed, its all about moneh. haa

Right side. I need look for a place where they paint chrome here.
Which I haven't found yet. Rumors says it's expensive.

I didn't get to wash/clean this one cause as perfect as I wanted it to look,
I don't want to break/ruin it.

The wires and bulb holders, I can't seem to take them off.
So I just let them be.

I don't know why it turn out to be a vertical picture as it is suppose to be horizontal.
but here's a picture of how it is after I wash 'em with water. haa

Tail Lights!

Something that I can't wait to see.

From Coupe to Levin.
A goal I need to score.
It might take time as I am still unemployed.

next target would be the grills :)

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